River Dart View

Helping You Keep Your New Year’s Resolutions in Dartmouth

2019 is here and no doubt most of us have made New Year’s resolutions, but sticking to them isn’t always easy. So whether you’re looking to spend more time with loved ones, want to make a life change or take up a new hobby, here’s how you can keep your New Year promises in the pretty coastal town of Dartmouth.

Try Something New

‘A New Year, a new me’ as the saying goes, if you’ve challenged yourself to learn a new skill or take up a hobby in 2019 then Dartmouth is here is help. With its river location the town is perfect for leaning a new water based activity or honing your watersports knowledge. Take a guided sea kayak trip around the South Devon coastline and estuary mouth with Sea Kayak Devon or hire a boat with Dartmouth Boat Hire Centre. If you would rather someone else take control and you sit back and enjoy a fast and exhilarating boat trip, see what Marine Xped can offer.

Learn Something Old

If your New Year’s resolution is to learn something old and explore the regions past, Dartmouth is a great place to start. The area is packed with historical buildings and landmarks spanning the town’s history from a 600 year old castle guarding the river mouth, to the 1950’s holiday home, Greenway House, of Agatha Christie. On the water’s edge you’ll find Bayard’s Cove Fort, which was built before 1534 and was also the stopping point for the Mayflower 400 years ago, whose journey is being commemorated in 2020. Dartmouth is also home to the Newcomen Engine, which was originally built in 1720, Dartmouth Museumand the Britannia Royal Naval College. For all things historical in Dartmouth check out the history and heritage page here.

Be More Active

If you’ve promised yourself to get active in 2019, Dartmouth has a number of walks in and around the town which can help you kick start your pledge. From a 9 mile hard walk from Dartmouth to Greenway to the 5 mile moderate circular route of the Diamond Jubilee Way or a 1.2 mile easy walk of the Dartmouth Town Trail, you can start off small and work your way up to more challenging and energetic walks, whilst exploring the town and surrounding countryside.

Eat Well

After the indulgences of Christmas and the New Year, one of the most popular resolutions is to eat better. This New Year’s resolution might not always be about losing weight but to cut out food travel miles or eat more fresh local food. In Dartmouth many of the town’s restaurants, cafés and pubs have menus which are packed with some of the best locally grown fruit and veg, reared meats and freshly caught fish. Dartmouth Farmers Market is held every 2nd Saturday and is great for picking up fresh, healthy local produce which has limited food miles.

Enjoy Some Me Time

After the busy festive season the New Year can seem the perfect time for some ‘me time’. The quieter months are perfect for visiting the nearby beaches and enjoying the relaxing peace and quiet on offer. Around Dartmouth there are a number of great beaches, within the town there is Castle Cove and Sugary Cove and a short distance away is the golden sand and shingle bay of Blackpool Sands Beach. Further along the coast to the West of Dartmouth is Strete Gate Beach and Slapton Sands, both offering long stretches of sand and shingle beaches perfect for whiling away the hours.

To keep up to date with the latest information about Dartmouth, make sure you follow us on Twitter here and like us on Facebook here.

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