Guest Blog Post – The Fizz Boat
Protecting the planet starts with you. Everyone can help towards climate change.
The Fizz Boat is helping the effects of climate change by supporting JUST ONE Tree.
JUST ONE Tree are a non-profit initiative removing CO2 from the atmosphere and reversing biodiversity loss through global deforestation. The trees are planted in areas severely affected by deforestation to maximise the effects on reducing global warming.
JUST ONE Tree are also addressing the issues our oceans are facing through mangrove reforestation and kelp regeneration.
Our Oceans represent 70% of the earth’s surface area and are the world’s largest store of carbon. Every 2nd breath we take comes from the ocean.
Scientists estimate if the current rate of temperature increase continues, the oceans will be too warm for coral reefs by 2050. But, this is where sea kelp comes in. Growing up to half a metre a day, kelp is the fastest growing ‘tree’ on the planet. Like land-based trees, kelp absorbs CO2 in order to grow and is therefore an enormous ‘Blue Carbon’ sink. By taking carbon dioxide out of the oceans, kelp forests help lower the acidity in the seas and the amount of CO2 in our atmosphere.
JUST ONE Tree plant forests both on land and in the oceans.
They will plant a tree for every one of our cruise’s sold. 🌳🌳🌳
JUST ONE Tree plant trees where they’re needed the most to fight rising global temperatures and increase biodiversity.
Climate change affects us all. Trees are an effective way to remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. Meaning cleaner air, cleaner water 💦 more homes for wildlife 🦋🐒 and LESS CO2 in the atmosphere. 🌎
Check out JUST ONE Tree to read up on all the great things they are doing for our people and planet.